Raw Nutrition
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Radical Raw Nutrition for Peak Performance

For a more in-depth report on Raw Nutrition click here http://www.superbeing.com/supernutrition.htm  

Peak Performance Meal

I've found over the years that eating Raw Foods was a way to experience Peak Performance in my everyday life. So what I've included below is a recipe for my staple meal that I eat once or twice per day. I call this recipe Raw Power Gruel.

Benefits I have felt from Raw Power Gruel

1. Clears away mental fog

2. Provides sustained and healthy energy

3. Increases mental alertness

4. Makes me feel more vibrant and energetic

5. Slows the aging process and makes me look and feel younger

6. Makes me happy from a cellular level

7. Expands my creativity

Raw Power Gruel Recipe

Purchase Raw Oat Groats from a health food store. They are not the regular rolled variety and must be called oat groats. Otherwise it is not raw. They are hard and elliptical like a grain of wheat. Soak them in room temperature water for 24 to 48 hours. Then rinse. Get a blender. 

Put in as much oats as you want to try in the blender, maybe a half cupful to start. Then put in a banana and add water so you can blend the mixture. If you add too much water it will be too liquidly and hard to blend. You'll learn by experimentation. Then add powdered Spirulina from the health food store. I also add sea salt and cayenne pepper for flavor (It's optional). At the very end I add ground up flax seeds. You can buy them ground up already or you would have to grind them yourself in like a coffee grinder or nut and grain grinder. Flax seeds can also be obtained at a Health Food Store.

I don't know exact amounts because I just add by instinct. Add raw honey if it needs to be sweetened. Sometimes I blend in 2 or 3 bananas. Sometimes I add more flax seed. The flax seed is a fat and will help sustain you with long-term energy. Also the oat groats are a complex carbohydrate for sustained energy. There at least you have a good raw meal to start the day healthy and energetically. 

Sometimes instead of using Oat Groats I use raw soaked sunflower seeds or soaked almonds. If you use these two as the staple then you don't need to add the flax seed because there will be plenty of fat in the meal. Soak these at least 8 hours. Raw sunflower seeds can also be sprouted if you desire it. 

To your health and peak performance, Roger Haeske



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Copyright © 1999-2005 Roger Haeske 
Last modified: March 07, 2005
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